

Patrons’ cards will be blocked, meaning no checkouts allowed, if fines are $10 or more.

Unattended Child


 Policy Statement:

A primary mission of the library is to provide a safe, secure, comfortable and convenient facility for patrons and staff. This is especially true for children who visit the library. Although staff are available to assist and provide general guidance, the library does not provide childcare services. Attaining the desired and appropriate environment for children requires the communication and cooperation of both staff and parents.


Unattended Child

An unattended child is any young person unaccompanied by a responsible adult and who is unable to care for his or her self, or use the library responsibly.

Adult, Parent, Caregiver

These terms are used in this policy to designate a person who is legally responsible for the welfare and behavior of their children.

Inappropriate Behavior

Examples of inappropriate behavior may include but are not limited to:

Disruptive behavior, such as running, shouting, climbing, rude actions, horseplay, etc.

Verbal or physical abuse of staff or other people in the library, such as cursing, demeaning or rude comments, talking back, hitting, biting, kicking, punching, teasing other children, hiding property etc.

Damage to property of the library or others, such as breaking or ruining supplies, improper use of furniture or equipment, theft, etc.


  1. Parents or adult caregivers are legally responsible for the welfare and behavior of their children. The library is not responsible for unattended children. Library staff may refer children who are left unattended in the library to appropriate authorities including the police or child welfare agencies.


  1. Young children may not be left unattended. Any child, seven years old or less must be accompanied by an adult at all times. An exception exists for children attending a planned, scheduled library program without a parent or caregiver in the room. However, the parent or caregiver is expected to remain in the library building and immediately join the child at the end of the program.


  1. Older children, ages eight and up, may need adult supervision to ensure their safety and maintain appropriate behavior and responsible library use. Staff members will use their judgment and discretion in determining whether or not an unattended child needs a parent or caregiver to provide supervision.


  1. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Staff will ask children to comply with library rules or instructions. Children whose behavior is disruptive to library rules and instructions will be asked to leave the library grounds. If a child is not able to leave the library without an adult, he should not be in the library alone. Children will be given the opportunity to make a phone call to a parent or guardian to inform them of the circumstances. A parent or the police may be called to pick up the child.


  1. Children should know how to reach an adult at all times. They may use the library business phone in case of an emergency.


  1. At closing time, or in the event of an emergency (closing for weather or a power outage), staff will assist unattended children in calling a parent or responsible adult to pick them up. If someone cannot be contacted within 30 minutes of a child being left alone, or at the library closing time, staff will call the police who will assume responsibility for the child.


  1. Parents should be aware of circumstances that may result in the unexpected closing of the library (storms, power outages, etc.). Library hours of operation are posted on signs.

As of 07/24/2008

Weather Closing

Any time the USD #251 schools are closed for wintry weather the library will be closed. This also includes ice, blowing snow, blizzard like conditions, and arctic temperatures. This is for the safety of patrons and staff.

During severe storms  or tornadoes the library will monitor the weather closely. If time to evacuate, we will go home if no time to evacuate, we will go to the safe room. 

Library Card and Late Fees


 Library cards are issued upon patron request with proof of identity.

Books will only be checked out on patron cards. If more than one family member has a card and one card is blocked they cannot use another family member’s card unless card holder is with patron and approves usage.

Late Fees

Effective January 1, 2015 any patron with fines of $10.00 or more will be blocked until all fines are paid and allvideos are returned. No checkout for any library materials (books, DVD’s/VHS, magazines, etc.)

Fine Free Exceptions: School, patrons over the age of 70, hospitalization/illness, natural disaster (fire, flood, tornado), death of patron and/or family member, board members, and interlibrary loans.

DVD/VHS $1.00 a day per dvd/vhs (limit 5 checkout)


State of Kansas eCard:

State of Kansas Library has several different apps.

Website: https://library.ks.gov/home

You will need a State of Kansas Library card number (available at HPL). 

KSL Number: ex 999999

AND password (your birthday mm/dd/yyyy): ex 01/01/2020.

Click on DIGITAL BOOK eLENDING.  There you will see several different apps for either eAudiobooks or eBooks.  Each one is a little different and has instructions for use.  When you click on the instructions, you will learn if the app is compatible with your device.

Card Catalog Instructions:

Using Americus Public Library’s On-Line Card Catalog

After you have received your number, visit the on-line catalog (Verso)

Click on the CATALOG HELP button for instruction.

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